Project information

  • Category: Competition
  • Funding: EEPIS
  • Project date: 2010-2011

EEPISky G-02 Rocket Payload

As winners of the Indonesian National Rocket Competition (KORINDO 2010), our team was determined to take on another challenge in the field of rocketry. For the Indonesian National Payload Rocket Competition (KOMURINDO 2011), we developed a new meteorology payload that included a camera for air surveillance, a compass, an accelerometer, a pressure sensor, and a humidity sensor. Additionally, we integrated the homing payload with an actuator such as a ducted fan and a controllable nozzle.

During the rocket launch, we were able to monitor the payload's broadcast data while it was inside the rocket. After the rocket separated, the payload descended and freely moved through the air towards its parachute. We successfully gathered data through our sensors and analyzed the results to gain insights into the atmospheric conditions.

Our team was thrilled to be announced as the 1st Winner of the Indonesian National Payload Rocket Competition (KOMURINDO 2011). This project tested our technical skills and ability to work effectively as a team. We learned valuable lessons in project management, problem-solving, and collaboration, which have since helped us excel in our careers. We are proud of the achievements we have made in the field of rocketry and are excited to see what new challenges lie ahead.